Friday, September 5, 2014

The Substance of Saline

I could still remember that moment about a year ago when a groupmate of mine invited me to a weekly noontime gathering at the Main Social Hall. I wanted to make sure it was worth the while, so I opted to give it a try for one session. There, I found myself with a group of students discussing relevant matters of life which eventually led me to join its weekly gathering for about a year now. This group is what is known as "The Saline Option", and in substance it is...

Not an Organization but a Movement
The Saline Option (TSO) was first envisioned by Dr. Stephen Sixto Siguan to be a gathering of health care professionals and students that provides an avenue for enriching one's faith in God and for cultivating quality relationships with Christians in the health care community. It was first launched in 2011, spearheaded by Luke Ouano, and was officially approved and recognized by CIM. Currently, TSO is at two schools in Cebu City, CIM and MHAM, where students are equipped with activities that can help them succeed in the medical field.

TSO does not have a structural hierarchy of officers with certain mandated tasks characteristic of an organization. Rather, it is appropriately called a movement since it comprises of a group of people who are working together to advance their common vision.

What keeps TSO moving is its vision "to see a movement of Christ-tied medical and allied medical students and professional influencing the workplace and transforming lives for God's purposes." Its task is "to share God's Word to students, faculty, support staff, and patients, and to develop Christian character in pursuing endeavors of the teaching institution and the hospital."

Its Name Stands for Its Aim
Just as a Normal Saline Solution is used to hydrate and provide electrolyte balance on a sick patient, it is called "saline" because the group aims to help achieve balance in life, in the aspects of mental, physical, social, and spiritual. It is all about encouraging and helping each other whenever trials or difficult life transitions (forms of imbalance) strike a person. Moreover, it was also inspired by Matthew 5:13-14 when Jesus called his followers as the "salt of the earth and the light of the world."

"Option" carries with it the personal decision to live consistently with the teachings of Jesus and of the Bible. Perfection is never a requirement; only persistence in applying practical Christianity.

What's In It For You
TSO conducts activities such as gatherings, conferences, and courses that benefit the students. Specifically, they are:

1.   Weekly Bible Studies. Tailored for medical students in CIM in order to learn more about God and build friendships with each other.

2.   INSPIRE Courses. It includes "Operation Tuli" which happens at the start of summer break. It is led by a team of surgeons who guide students in learning the basics of surgery through circumcision. It also offers Breast Cancer Community Outreach Program (BCACOP) which offers free breat consultation and operation services.

3.   Heartbeat for Christ Annual Christian Medical Student Conference. This is an event where Christian medical students from all over the country meet each other to learn more about God. This provides great opportunities for spiritual growth and new friendships.

Equipping CIM Students towards becoming a "Physician with a Heart"
TSO aids in developing one's character using the Bible as a guide and Jesus as the model. The Bible helps the student to trust God in challenges, show humility in successes and give lessons and hope in failures. Since Jesus is "The Great Physician" who demonstrated compassion in healing the sick, following his manner of patient care can take the student a big step forward towards being a "physician with a heart".

What Sets TSO Apart
TSO is all about life transformation. It rests its vision upon the life-changing power and promise of Jesus Christ: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come" (2 Corinthians 5:17).

It's Your Best Option
No one has to feel all alone and left out in CIM. If you are a person who has struggles, questions or problems in life, you can find encouragement here with us. Or if you feel like you need to break a while from studying about medicine designed for the body because you want to know more about medicine that heals the soul and spirit, this group is for you. If you simply want to build friendships and expand your social circle, you can find great friends here. TSO invites everyone and welcomes everyone. The Saline Option does not conduct any initiation or require certain qualifications. Simply come just as you are and meet the One who transforms lives. It's the best option you're yet to make.

Planning to Join TSO?
We meet weekly (usually Tuesday or Wednesday) 12:30-1:30 P.M. at the Main Social Hall. For further information, you may contact this number: 09322887961.

Written by Brice Serquina of Batch Spectra

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the inspiring story of TSO. we are inspired by your labor of love for God and to seek and save the lost. this is one activity that will outlast our lifetime and towards eternity. God bless
