This month, we have decided to feature the designs of the three batches from this year's Sportsfest. The gym was filled with red, green, and blue colors as each batch proudly presented their shirts. Following the theme; "From Pad to Playground: Promoting Health Through Technology and Sports", the students came up with a concept that best incorporated the theme into their batch shirt.
Asterion was inspired by the concept of Jarvis, an artificial intelligence made popular as Iron Man's assistant in the movies. The batch describes the symbol of asterion, the point of meeting of the lambdoidal, mastooccipital, and mastoparietal sutures of the skull, as the union of individual uniqueness as one batch and one family. Its incorporation reflects their roots as a mark that lies in the heart of a circuit board as a central processing unit connecting various ports and systems from board to breakthroughs, from pad to playground, from cubicle to clinics, from study to sports. The icons on display as the batch pointed out is but few of the many wonders and possibilities Asterion as a whole can create which all sum up to a simple but profound design.
Potential... Passion... Perseverance- elements that signify our batch color, vermilion red. Our bloodshed from sleepless nights, exhausting lab works, and overwhelming reading assignments. A seeker of prestige, a catalyst for change, a devotee of brilliance- these are the attributes of a one true partisan of human's highest point of order: Batch Vertex. We proudly wear our banner, steadfast to bring only honor to our assemble; "Per angusta ad augusta", through difficulties to glory! But as we show our depths, we exemplify that Asterion, Spectra, and Vertex are all one and the same: an epitome of service, an emblem of honor, paragon of competence. Ladies and gentlemen, with our crowns held high and resilient- Batch Vertex, always on top!
The shirt of Spectra is Tron-inspired which was perfect for the Sportsfest theme of "pad to playground". The design is composed of lines and circles. It is simple as compared to other batch shirts. It is because Spectrans believe that being simple is complex. The shirt's modest forms of geometry is in fact a microchip. To quote from Richard Norton; "simplicity is complex. It is never simple to keep things simple for simple solutions require the most advanced way of thinking." The design also reflects the track and field which represents an athlete's hard work and dedication. The shirt's not only technology infused but is mixed with the spirit of sportsmanship as well.
Description of the respective batch shirts were made by each batch
Compiled and introduction written by Alexis Eireen Suarez